Friday, April 20, 2018

CancerCon Day 2

Hello again world :) So yesterday we had a lot of fun.

The sun was out yesterday & it was a beautiful first morning 

It started with walking around Downtown Denver (just seeing the sights, I was able to get my 10,000 steps in before lunch ... Rock Star that I am) Here are a few things I saw. 

Yes you are seeing this right I found a (closed) Radio Shack 

The Bear close up 

I also came across some of the Denver police having their photos taken (I really have no idea why but it was cool to see) There were 3 horses, a large group of motorcycles, 1 newer car, 1 older car, & home Land security... lets just say I felt safe around that area.


After I got back to the Hotel we checked in & want to a Healing though Art class  (not really the right name but that gives you an idea) It was really cool, and I made a painting to take home. The one problem is we were very limited on time so what I wanted to do I was unable to do due to time. 

In the evening we had a Mixer where we met a lot of great people. (sorry no photos were taken). After that we want to the Denver Athletic Club to go bowling, that I later learned it was the oldest in the area (cool right?),  It was opened in 1892. 

Screens had all been updated but the ball returns were old (but in a cool way) 

Plus they had a great sense of humor as they played memes on the screens that were not in use. 

In other news - Google is super funny :)
Well trying to make this post I want to copy the video (about the ball return) & I was given the following options, Can you see why I find this funny?

Thursday, April 19, 2018

I am back .... CancerCon2018

So Ya I know I haven't made a post in a along time but in all truth I have been "Busy Living" & writing has always been hard for me stick with (I have may blog post I have started to prove that). I have also posted a lot of things on my personal Facebook page that could have made some amazing blog posts but I forgot to move them over. So I thought today would be a great day post something new :)

So as I am writing this I am not sitting in my living room in MN, I am sitting on a very tall bed in Denver. My Best Friend & I drove the 14 hours to make it to CancerCon 2018.

Our Drive started with a Amazing Snow storm 

This followed us into Iowa

Next came clouds & gray skies 

After Iowa came Nebraska 

After a very long drive across Nebraska we found Cows & Blue skies

The next state we came to was Colorado :) but I was to busy looking at my phone I missed the sign ...
So you will get this instead 

I will leave you here waiting for the fun that awaits us tomorrow. I can't wait to see my old friends & make new ones. Who remembers this song from when they were young? 

Make new friends,
but keep the old. 
One is silver, 
the other is gold. 

(Sorry random thought by me)