Saturday, October 6, 2018

(Almost) 5 Years ago I got "the call"

Hello All who happen are still reading this. I can't believe that at the end of this month my Grandma will be turning 90 & it will have been 5 years since I got "The Call". Yes if you don't remember I got the call on the mid-morning/afternoon of my Grandma's 85th birthday, and had to go to her birthday dinner at my parents house that evening & act like all was good (and the Emmy goes to ...).  At the time my Parents known I had been tested but I known if I let out the news to them that night everyone would find out & I didn't want that day to be about me (first my Grandma's birthday).  This year late Oct. means a lot more to me then it did (maybe in the past). We have many great things planned (things I can't talk about here..yet), plus one more my super rocking Concordia friends is getting married.  I also am left wondering if I should do something to remember that day when I got that call or should I just do what I have been doing (and let me say what I am really good at) just living everyday to the fullest? I do plan on having a large picnic in June (my 5 year being done with Cancer) but part of me wonders if I should do something on the day I was told how sick I really was.

I really truly don't know, What would you do?