Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Expectations and guesses meet Reality and give way to more questions

Well we just got back from the Oncologist and of course we learned many things and most of them were good.

First off, the Oncologist is pretty sure its Hodgkin's Lymphoma which is a malignant cancer which is a very treatable and curable cancer. She is not 100% sure so she is checking with certain techs to make sure; otherwise Patti will need to go in for a surgical biopsy where they take a chunk of the main enlarged lymph node to examine.

When I say main enlarged lymph-node, that is to say that the doctor found that on the other side of her neck there are smaller but still enlarged nodes and possibly the thyroid as well.

Patti in the next week will go through a series of tests before she goes through chemo. Yes, chemo. 4-6 months of chemo starting more than likely later this month and then hopefully she'll be on her way to full health.


  1. PET scan, scanning the body "eyes to thighs" for any more signs of cancer'
  2. Pulmonary tests, seeing if breathing and lung conditions are okay and getting baseline readings
  3. Echnocardiology tests: similar to the lung testing, its to see how the heart is and to get baseline readings
  1. One unknown test - we actually forgot what this test was, but we're hoping it's full of candy and sodapop, looking at the description I believe it's just a check up on results from the previous tests
  2. Bone Marrow Biopsy: Chipping off a piece of tailbone and getting marrow to test
  1. Port installation: To make chemo and any future tests (blood draws, and other such things with needles) easier, Patti has elected to have a 'Implanted Port' put in her chest. It will be under the skin and just leave a bump, but it will help the doctors and nurses have a place to inject her with all sorts of fun things that make her hair fall out. This is to replace needing to find a good vein every time she has chemo or a doctor needs to take blood, etc.
  1. Oncologist meeting: To discuss final results and then go onto scheduling chemo and maybe the surgical biopsy on her neck nodes.

Again after this we are still a little in the black. We know chemo will weaken Patti, we know that she will have chemo, although, there is a newer drug for chemo that she might get to take that is safer than the standard chemo drugs. There could be radiation in her future as well depending on how far the cancer has spread throughout her body. Chemo treatments will occur once a month for a period of 4-6 months so possibly by our 6th anniversary on June 21st 2014 we could have a clean bill of health which would be the best gift of all.

More posts will be coming as we get the results. Keep sending your well wishes and your prayers to Patti, she will need it!

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